
Masternode platform

Explore the possibilities in world of Maternodes. Project Argoneum brings you very easy to use tool to manage your Masternodes. Along with personalized management there is also a very precise calculation of gain from your portfolio. Delve down into the world of crypto and Masternodes and secure your own passive income.


Functions offered by Masternode platform that you can get are available for detailed look on subpage Functions or directly in application.


High quality technical background

We care also about quality where it can’t be seen at first glance. Servers and platform can be relied upon.

Stable company

Czech company Argoneum ltd is on the market since second half of 2019 and is focused on development of applications which simplify management of crypto technologies.


Argoneum has it’s own decentralized cryptocurrency (AGM), which is based on Masternodes and PoW (Proof of Work).

AGM Pool

To mine AGM, miners can utilize official mining pool which is under sole management of Argoneum project developers.

The team

Our team is comprised of highly qualified specialists and programmers. It is a permanent team and more information in the team section.

Transparent conduct

Honestly is our goal when dealing with our clients. Client care comes first with us.


How to get the cheapest prices?

There are two ways:

1. buy the largest package of credit

2. have hosted 30+ masternodes on AGM platform to get best discount

Credit repayment

Buy your credit carefully on base of your real need. Credit is not refundable! (only in special rare cases)

Can I try the trial version?

Yes, we have 5 day free trial for 1 masternode.

What happens to earnings?

All your Masternode earnings are paid directly from Blockchain to your wallet. Argoneum platform is collecting NO COINS.

Supported coins

Argoneum (AGM)


Horizon (ZEN)

In progress

Firo (Firo)

In progress

Pac Global (PAC)

In progress

StakeCubeCoin (SCC)

In progress


Are you ready to try Masternode platform for youselves? Let’s get tp it!